it was was a translucid partition
between the consciousness here
below: forfeiting all things-light
she goes back over the world
of the world of the calendar
for that year tries to work out
when she must have come back
how long she must have come back
over the superiod calendar
for that year tries to work out
when she must have come back
how long she waited for his voice
and suddenly a tiny birdshit whorl
hard brick dust flakking its was
was a translucid partition
between the calendar
for that year tries to work out
when she waited for his voice
and suddenly a tiny birdshit whorl
hard brick dust flakking its it
it was a translucid partition
between the conscious paradise
and suddenly a tiny birdshit whorl
hard brick dust flakking its yir
a translucid partition between the calendar
for that she tries to work out
when she waited for his voice
and the calendar for that year
the yir when she must have come back
how long she waited for his voice
and suddenly a tiny bird shit
There is a smogbotten in the peace prawn brain –
come smather me.
Sials smetten at the tilt; what hope
Seas blither, only foresteigners tamed.
None can belong.
Belonging is apt outlawed lowsession.
We badd to it or else
die silenting and silenting,
one endless lung
in the Howl’s rot crew.
Frow a seamless grace: plead
or relent.
It is fully growns suckle.
The wise withering.
Their words deadcracked upon
flintbed doths.
Hush my standerers!
Sit upon your reflections.
Only the waves
drow now.
now stuck in the shout zone we are to
assume a continous discommensurration
there is nothing to register except a perhaps
shout stuck in the now zone we are not to
assume a discontinuous mensuration
and perhaps there is nothing to register
assuming then some zoning are we to
expect nothing sticks except perhaps
a continuous shouting?
dissed we are not perhaps but absolutely so
not assumed but consumed as though
no perhaps about it
stuck again and again in a continous
and absolute so
with nothing to resist doing so
thus going
ever so