Wheel Of Fortune
During our Vietnam war, safely tucked in
training, Jewish MDs voyeured short
lived Soldier of Fortune magazine devoted
to mercenaries after it was founded by
unperturbed returned Special Forces’ Green
Berets who made a ma$$ive killing.
Half-century later during COVID contagion,
I peruse Forbes/New Yorker adverts for
private airplanes, bunkers, islands aimed at
the .1% who’ve now taken over almost
everything from way when back then when
appeared that middle class might thrive.
I don’t usually get so mad, but am.
Instead of being those golden years
to spend with precious grand/children,
my wife and I are isolated in our cabin
although it’s sure way better than being
familyless without homes during winter.
Dearest Beverly Hills High School Class of 1963 friends,
do you realize if our COVID curve continues
to resemble Italy’s
we like their elders likely will not qualify for respirators
except for the lucky few of us who have built
ICU suites a casa.
But since it is a bit difficult to adjust one’s own ventilator
if intubated plus sedated, I also just purchased
an anesthesiologist.
And tough luck to those on the other coast where Governor
Cuomo’s on TV talking about buying machines
for vacant synagogues.